Deep in Thought...
Contemplating life in Bamfield, a sleepy little town on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Bamfield Marine Research Statiion is just across this small inlet.
Photo ID: OBS-000628E
Author: Roderick Bley
© outNbout - Roderick Bley
Model Release: Yes
Photo size: 19.3 Mpixels (55.2 MB uncompressed) - 3547x5436 pixels (11.8x18.1 in / 30x46 cm at 300 ppi)
Photo keywords: activities, activity, Americas, Bamfield, Bamfield Inlet, boardwalk, British Columbia, Canada, concept, concepts, conceptual, contemplate, ecology, ecosystem, environment, environmentalism, man, mediate, mountain, mountain scape, mountains, nature, North America, scenery, think, thinking, thinking of you, thought, Vancouver Island, Western Canada